The Fairyn and Brinna Show!
My daughters, Fairyn and Brinna love watching YouTube, and their favorite things to watch are people opening surprise "Blind Bags." They wanted to do it to, so I created them a channel to do just that. They want to entertain people ALL the time, so please, enjoy!
Episode 4 : Easter Cookie Decorating!
January 01, 2020
Fairyn, Brinna and Greyson, spend their night decorating Easter Cookies! Yummy!
Fairyn and Brinna Show Episoede 3 - Halloween Special!
October 18, 2016
Fairyn and Brinna make a Haunted Cookie House from a kit! Happy Halloween!
Fairyn and Brinna Show Episode 2 : Taste Testing
August 20, 2016
Taste testing
Fairyn and Brinna Show Episode 1 : Easter Egg Blind Bag Awesomeness
March 27, 2016
Fairyn and Brinna debut their channel on Easter with some Blind Bag Awesomeness!